To give a one liner explanation of what goes on at SYC will not do full justice. Here's a quick glance of what goes on in a typical day at camp...
8:15AM | Optional Morning Prayer
If waking up early is your kind of thing, you can join the dedicated few as we have some time to pray for one another and other matters that are happening in our lives.

9:00 AM | Breakfast
For the long schedule ahead, we start the morning strong with a hearty breakfast.
9:45 AM | Morning Session
We open the morning with a time of praise and sharing from our session speaker.

10:50 AM | Hangout with God (HOG)
HOG time is the perfect opportunity to pause from our busy minds and attune to the voice of God through his marvelous creation
11:30 AM | Group Games
The camp will be divided into junior and senior groups for some intense group game time.

Just because they are called Junior Games does not mean they are any less exciting than the Senior Games. Prepare for some fun and surprises.

The Senior Games are traditionally wild, messy, and full of excitement. They are certainly geared for the adventurous and daring.
Once a year, all SYC youths join for an epic water fight showdown in the hot summer weather.

12:30 PM | LUNCH
We catch a break from the wild morning with an amazing lunch.
1:15PM | Electives
One of the highlights of each afternoon, this is the time when youths get to participate in our many different electives, suitable for all sorts of personalities.

2:30 PM | Small Groups
One of the highlights of each afternoon, this is the time when youths get to participate in our many different electives, suitable for all sorts of personalities.

3:45 PM | Free Time
A time for you to recharge, socialize, interact, or even go for a ride on the lake amenities.
6:15 PM | DINNER
After a packed afternoon, we gather again to share dinner together.
7:00 PM | Evening Session
The camp gathers for another session of worship and be challenged by the sharing given by our evening session speaker.

9:00 PM | Evening Feature Program
Each night we have a special evening program to engage our campers.

10:00 PM | Snack & Church Groups
We finish the night with a time of late night snack and refreshments. On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights, church groups will also have a time of sharing among their own peers.
10:30 PM | Cabin Time / Lights Out
Since each full day demands 13 hours of energy, it is no surprise that we rest up early to recharge for the next day.